Do Groundhogs Eat Cabbage? Protecting Your Garden from Pests (2024)

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Groundhogs, also known as woodchucks, have sparked curiosity among gardeners and wildlife enthusiasts alike. In my experience observing these creatures, I’ve found that their diet mainly consists of vegetation, with a particular fondness for certain garden plants—and yes, this includes cabbage. They are attracted to the tender leaves of cabbage, making it a popular choice amongst the variety of greens they consume.

Do Groundhogs Eat Cabbage? Protecting Your Garden from Pests (3)

💥 Quick Answer

While groundhogs do not exclusively eat cabbage, it is a common item in their diet when available.

Observing groundhogs in my garden has shown they have a diverse palate. They eat a mix of grasses, fruits, vegetables, and occasionally, small insects. In the spring and summer, when they’re most active, these animals tend to eat more frequently and seek out a variety of foods to consume, with my cabbage often falling victim to their appetites.

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During the colder months, groundhogs are nowhere to be seen around my garden because they hibernate, effectively fasting for the duration. Their hibernation habits are quite fascinating, and understanding this can help gardeners protect their cabbage and other crops by implementing preventive measures right before the onset of hibernation, when groundhogs are voraciously preparing for their long sleep.

💥 Quick Answer

Yes, groundhogs, also known as woodchucks, do eat cabbage alongside a diet rich in other vegetation.


  • Groundhog Feeding Preferences
    • Hibernation Patterns
    • Feeding Habits
    • Home and Burrow Structure
  • The Groundhog Diet
    • What Groundhogs Eat
    • Impact of Diet on Farming and Gardening
  • Mitigating Groundhog Damage
    • Preventive Measures
    • Effective Deterrents and Fencing
  • Frequently Asked Questions About Groundhogs

Groundhog Feeding Preferences

In my exploration of groundhog behavior, I am keen to share insights on their hibernation patterns, what their diet encompasses, and how they structure their homes. Understanding these behaviors sheds light on my overall experience with groundhogs.

Hibernation Patterns

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Groundhogs, or woodchucks, are well-known for their hibernation routine. As winter approaches, they line their burrows with soft plant materials and withdraw to a special “hibernation chamber.” Here they significantly reduce their metabolic rate and spend the winter months in a dormant state until spring.

Feeding Habits

When active during warmer months, groundhogs have a primarily herbivorous diet that includes a variety of greens and fruits. They have a particular fondness for the tender leaves of vegetables like cabbage, enjoying the easy access to such foods in our gardens.

Home and Burrow Structure

The burrow system of a groundhog is complex and multi-chambered. It often includes separate areas for sleeping, rearing young, and waste. Burrow dens are often found in well-drained soil close to food sources. These dens are crucial for their survival, especially during the hibernation period in winter.

The Groundhog Diet

Groundhogs, known to some as woodchucks, exhibit herbivorous feeding habits that are of great interest to me as a wildlife enthusiast and a gardener. Their diet preferences impact the way I approach my gardening and farming practices.

What Groundhogs Eat

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Groundhogs are primarily herbivores and their diet consists largely of plant materials. My observations and knowledge confirm that groundhogs have a particular taste for a variety of greens, which includes:

  • Vegetables: They readily consume crops like cabbage, beans, carrots, and lettuce.
  • Fruits: When available, fruits are a favored choice.
  • Plants: They feed on various wild plants, grasses, clover, and alfalfa.

In the following table, I outline their preferred food sources throughout the year:

SeasonPreferred Food Sources
Spring/SummerFruits, Vegetables (e.g., Cabbage, Beans, Lettuce), Greens
FallTree Bark, Twigs
WinterHibernation (No Feeding)

I find that groundhogs are quite adaptable in their diet and will switch to eating more tree bark and twigs as the seasons change and plant scarcity increases.

Impact of Diet on Farming and Gardening

The impact of a groundhog’s diet on my farming and gardening activities is significant. These animals do not shy away from cultivated lands and can be quite a nuisance if not managed correctly. They are known to:

  • Eat and damage crops: They have a strong preference for certain vegetables such as cabbage and carrots.
  • Burrow and create holes: Their burrowing habits can affect the root systems of plants.

💥 It’s important for me to implement measures like fencing and humane repellents to protect my vegetables and garden plants from these voracious eaters.

Creating deterrents and securing the garden effectively are key strategies I employ to coexist with groundhogs while minimizing the impact on my crops.

Mitigating Groundhog Damage

I understand the frustration that groundhogs can cause in a garden. Their propensity to feed on cabbage and other vegetables can lead to significant crop damage. As a gardener myself, I have learned that the key to protecting my garden is to focus on prevention and to employ effective deterrents and fencing strategies.

Preventive Measures

Preventing groundhog intrusions before they start is crucial. Groundhogs can be discouraged from entering a garden by altering the habitat to make it less appealing. Removing debris or woodpiles where groundhogs may find shelter is an essential first step. Additionally, implementing regular garden maintenance, such as keeping the grass trimmed, can reduce the cover groundhogs seek.

Effective Deterrents and Fencing

🛡️ Deterrents

I rely on a combination of natural deterrents and fencing to protect my crops. Commercial repellents can be effective, but I prefer using Epsom salt, which is a humane deterrent; simply sprinkling it around the garden perimeter can keep groundhogs at bay.

Fencing Tips
Bury the fenceAt least 12 inches deepPrevents digging
HeightAt least 3 feet tallPrevents climbing
Bend outwardAngle the top outwardDeters overhang climbing

💥 My Fencing Approach

I invest in a sturdy fence designed specifically for pest control. The fence materials and whether I opt for a solid wall or mesh fencing depend on other factors in my garden, such as the landscape and the presence of other animals. The goal is to create a barrier that not only hinders groundhogs from entering but also provides long-term protection for my vegetables.

Frequently Asked Questions About Groundhogs

💥 Quick Answer

Yes, groundhogs do eat cabbage along with a variety of vegetation.

When I’m asked about what groundhogs eat, I like to clarify that they are primarily herbivores. Cabbage is certainly on the menu for these creatures, as are many other garden crops.

💥 Typical Groundhog Diet

Groundhogs enjoy a diet of grasses, fruits, vegetables, and in rare instances may consume insects.

An adult groundhog typically **weighs 6 to 12 pounds** and can consume about **1.5 pounds of vegetation** per day.

Apart from their feasting habits, groundhogs are known for their burrowing. The tunnels they dig can be extensive, with multiple entrances and exits.

⚠️ A Warning

Be mindful of groundhog burrows, as they can undermine structural foundations and damage landscapes.

Do groundhogs climb?Yes, they are capable of climbing to access food or escape predators.
Are groundhogs dangerous?No, they generally pose no direct threat to humans but can cause property damage.

Remember, it’s best to consult a wildlife expert if you have concerns about groundhogs in your area. Their expertise can provide specific insights and humane solutions for cohabitating with these animals.

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Do Groundhogs Eat Cabbage? Protecting Your Garden from Pests (2024)


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