<strong>Top 25 Classroom Activities to Celebrate the 100th Day of School</strong> (2024)

Celebrating the 100th day of school is an exciting milestone for both teachers and students alike. It’s a great way to mark the progress of the year and recognize the hard work of everyone in the classroom. As such, it’s important to plan activities that will help make the day special and memorable. Here are 25 classroom activities to help you celebrate the 100th day of school.

1. 100th Day Countdown: A great way to count down the days to the 100th day is to put a paper chain in the classroom. Have the students tear off a link each day so they can all count down the days together.

2. 100th Day Art Projects: Have the students create art projects based on the theme of the 100th day. This can include creating a mural with 100 items, making a collage with 100 pieces of paper, or creating a sculpture out of 100 pieces of clay.

3. 100th Day Book: Have the students create a book based on the theme of the 100th day. This can include stories, poems, drawings, or even photographs.

4. 100th Day Challenges: Set up challenges for the students to complete in order to celebrate the 100th day. This can include tasks such as solving 100 math problems or reading 100 books.

5. 100th Day Dance Party: Have a dance party in the classroom to celebrate the 100th day. Play 100 of your favorite songs and have the students dance their way through the day.

6. 100th Day Photography: Have the students take pictures of things that remind them of the 100th day. This can include taking pictures of 100 items or taking pictures of themselves with 100 items.

7. 100th Day Time Capsule: Have the students create a time capsule that they can open on the 200th day of school. Fill the capsule with items such as photos, notes, and other mementos that they’ve collected over the course of the year.

8. 100th Day Scavenger Hunt: Set up a scavenger hunt around the classroom and have the students search for items that remind them of the 100th day.

9. 100th Day Poster: Have the students create a poster that celebrates the 100th day. This can include a poster with 100 items or a poster that has a list of 100 things that they’ve learned this year.

10. 100th Day Writing Prompts: Have the students write stories or poems about the 100th day. These can be either creative or factual.

11. 100th Day Math Challenge: Set up a math challenge in the classroom that the students have to complete. This can include solving 100 math problems or coming up with 100 equations.

12. 100th Day Art Contest: Have the students create art projects and then have a contest to decide which one is the best. This can include anything from painting a picture to making a sculpture out of 100 items.

13. 100th Day Reading Challenge: Have the students read 100 books in order to celebrate the 100th day. This can be either fiction or non-fiction.

14. 100th Day Music Challenge: Have the students create a song or a full length musical about the 100th day.

15. 100th Day Word Search: Create a word search for the students to complete in order to celebrate the 100th day.

16. 100th Day Collage: Have the students create a collage of 100 items that remind them of the 100th day.

17. 100th Day Memory Game: Create a memory game based on the theme of the 100th day.

18. 100th Day Science Experiment: Have the students conduct a science experiment that focuses on the 100th day.

19. 100th Day Joke Telling: Have the students tell 100 jokes in order to celebrate the 100th day.

20. 100th Day History Lesson: Have the students research an important event that happened on the 100th day in history.

21. 100th Day Survey: Have the students create a survey and then have them ask 100 people to complete it.

22. 100th Day Crafts: Have the students create crafts that revolve around the theme of the 100th day.

23. 100th Day Scrapbook: Have the students create a scrapbook with pictures and memories from the past 100 days.

24. 100th Day Obstacle Course: Set up an obstacle course for the students to complete in order to celebrate the 100th day.

25. 100th Day Celebrations: Have the students plan a celebration for the 100th day of school. This can include decorations, food, and activities.

<strong>Top 25 Classroom Activities to Celebrate the 100th Day of School</strong> (2024)


What are the math activities for the 100th day of school? ›

100th day of school math activities

Ask students to divide 100 Cheerios (or another snack) into groups of 2, 4, 5, and 10. Work with a partner to come up with 100 addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division equations that equal 100.

Why do teachers celebrate 100 days of school? ›

Why do we celebrate 100 days of school? This marks a point in the year where students are more than half-way through the 180 day school year. It is a time to reflect on all the learning that has taken place so far.

Which classroom activities do you find the most enjoyable? ›

14 Fun Classroom Activities for Students
  • Educational Bingo. This awesome game can be played in groups. ...
  • Bleep. Bleep is an interesting memory game in which students are restricted to use certain words during reading comprehension. ...
  • Pink Tac Toe. ...
  • Sports Gallery. ...
  • Blind Artist. ...
  • Crazy Train. ...
  • Four Corners. ...
  • Sentence Race.

What happens at a 100 day celebration? ›

On that 100th day, a family would traditionally pray and give food offerings to thank the Shaman spirit of childbirth for the child having survived this difficult period. If the child was sick at this time, the family would pass the day without celebration or party as this would be considered bad luck for the infant.

What is the 100s day at school? ›

The 100th Day of School is a symbolic celebration of students' achievements during the academic year, especially for those in elementary school. The event centers around the number 100, which helps develop learners' understanding and recognition of numbers up to 100.

What do students reflect on during the 100th day of school? ›

Reflect on progress: The 100th day of school is a great opportunity for students to reflect on their progress and to celebrate their accomplishments. It allows students to see how far they have come since the start of the school year and to appreciate their hard work and effort.

How do you do 100 in math? ›

Keep your paper free from cutting and overwriting, and draw clean margins to do the rough work. Figures & Graphs: Figures and graphs can fetch you easy marks if made with a little concentration. For this, keep a ruler which has sharp and smooth side and a pencil which is well sharpened.

Who celebrates the 100th day of school? ›

The 100th Day of School is widely celebrated in preschools, kindergartens, and elementary schools as a fun milestone to break up the school year. Special lessons and activities are prepared to celebrate the day.

Why 100 day Celebration? ›

In traditional Chinese culture, the number 100 is considered auspicious and symbolizes longevity and prosperity. It was believed that reaching 100 days of life was a critical milestone for a newborn as it signifies that the baby has survived the vulnerable early months of life.

Why do we celebrate teachers day in 100 words? ›

India celebrates Teacher's Day on September 5th, commemorating Dr. Sarvepalli Radhakrishnan's birthday. Teachers inspire, guide and impart knowledge, moulding future generations of the world. This day serves as a reminder of their dedication and tireless efforts for us.

What are examples of activities? ›

Seeing a movie, art or sports game, sightseeing, driving, caring for pets, playing a video game, reading a book (including a comic) as a hobby, playing a musical instrument as part of club activities - Activities done as a hobby, such as confectionery-making, are included in this category.

What are the favorite activities? ›

Most popular hobbies & activities in the U.S. as of December 2023
CharacteristicShare of respondents
Video gaming35%
Outdoor activities31%
9 more rows
Mar 5, 2024

What are the five learning activities? ›

The five key learning activities often include direct instruction, guided practice, independent study, collaborative work, and reflective review.

Why do you celebrate 100 days? ›

It was believed that reaching 100 days of life was a critical milestone for a newborn as it signifies that the baby has survived the vulnerable early months of life. Therefore, the event is often celebrated as a joyous occasion.

How do you dress like an old lady for the 100th day of school? ›

100 day at school. Dressing as 100 years old. White hair spray, sunglasses with no lenses, pearl necklace, over sized purse, and house coat.

Do people celebrate 100 days together? ›

Celebrating your 100th Day Anniversary is very common in Korean dating culture. Many couples will plan a special date and exchange gifts as well! Would you want to celebrate this with your loved one? #koreanculture #datinginkorea #100thday #백일기념


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Name: Twana Towne Ret

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